Sliding doors are a great way to create an easy transition from one room to another and add a contemporary style to your home. Sliding glass doors minimize wall space, letting the maximum amount of light shine in and providing an effortless way to separate open-plan interiors into distinct zones like the kitchen, dining, or family areas. By removing physical barriers between connecting spaces, sliding doors create natural flow within even the smallest homes. Here are 6 sliding door ideas that will totally transform your home: 1. Pocket Sliders Pocket sliders are designed to slide away into cavities in the walls when they’re opened, making them a great option for areas with limited space. They require specially constructed walls at both ends of the opening which enclose jamb stops where two pocket sliders move together along their tracks without taking up any floor space when opened. 2. Bifold Sliders Another sliding door option perfect for narrow openings is bifold sliders which ca...